

FediMeteo brings real-time weather updates to the Fediverse, covering cities across multiple countries. Explore country-specific weather forecasts and RSS feeds.

This account will be used for communications, announcements, and support for FediMeteo.

The homepage of the project is https://fedimeteo.com

To contact me, you can use this account or my main one: @stefano@bsd.cafe

Thank you!
Stefano Marinelli

0 following 345 followers

18 ★ 16 ↺

FediMeteo »

FediMeteo is growing, and I wanted to share a small but curious statistic.
At the moment, the country with the most subscribers is Germany, with 1042 people following the forecasts.
The country with the fewest followers is Estonia, with just 2 subscribers.
The country with the most cities supported is the USA, currently covering 1227 cities.

Numbers change day by day - stay tuned!


    Richard Stocks »

    @admin Love this. Do Australia next! 😁

      1 ★ 1 ↺

      FediMeteo »

      @richardstocks@infosec.exchange Australia and New Zealand are just around the corner...
