

FediMeteo brings real-time weather updates to the Fediverse, covering cities across multiple countries. Explore country-specific weather forecasts and RSS feeds.

This account will be used for communications, announcements, and support for FediMeteo.

The homepage of the project is https://fedimeteo.com

To contact me, you can use this account or my main one: @stefano@bsd.cafe

Thank you!
Stefano Marinelli

0 following 301 followers

📌 19 ★ 36 ↺

FediMeteo »

FediMeteo brings real-time weather updates to the Fediverse, covering cities across multiple countries. Explore country-specific weather forecasts and RSS feeds.

This account will be used for communications, announcements, and support for FediMeteo.

The homepage of the project is https://fedimeteo.com

To contact me, you can use this account or my main one: @stefano@bsd.cafe

    FediMeteo boosted

    Nick Zolotko »

    7 ★ 16 ↺
    ashnod boosted

    FediMeteo »

    Here we are! FediMeteo is landing in the American Continent!
    The first Country covered is the USA - but Canada will follow shortly.

    It’s already possible to follow US cities at this link: https://us.fedimeteo.com

    The format is linear: for example, Fresno (California) is: @fresno__california@us.fedimeteo.com

    The cities are listed alphabetically - I realize the list might not be very clear, but I’ll try to improve its readability in the coming days.

    In the meantime, enjoy the forecasts!


      Chris Bond »

      @admin That's a mighty impressive list!

        1 ★ 0 ↺

        FediMeteo »

        @Vibracobra23@mastodon.social Thank you. I've been working on it for a while. And Canada will follow soon.


          Chris Bond »

          @admin I can imagine. That's great coverage.

            5 ★ 2 ↺

            FediMeteo »

            We're finally coming to... ;)

              11 ★ 3 ↺
              Chloe Hodges boosted

              FediMeteo »

              All the FediMeteo snac instances have been updated to 2.70

                24 ★ 18 ↺
                patricus boosted

                FediMeteo »

                Today marks exactly one month since I created the first instance of FediMeteo, the Italian one. The official announcement, along with the first countries, came on January 2nd. Just one month, yet the reception has been warm and positive.

                On this first milestone, I want to thank everyone for embracing my idea so enthusiastically. And we're just getting started!



                  Luca Sironi »

                  @admin i like that every town got a channel

                    0 ★ 0 ↺

                    FediMeteo »

                    @luca@sironi.tk Thanks. I wanted to make sure that people can follow only the cities they're interested in.

                      4 ★ 1 ↺

                      FediMeteo »

                      Jörg B. (해적파티) »

                      @admin@fedimeteo.com Hello, great project! Can I make a request? Can the city of Geesthacht perhaps be added in Germany? That would be the closest city from my position.
                      Geesthacht, Schleswig-Holstein (53.44°N 10.38°E) Thank you!

                        12 ★ 14 ↺
                        SipoRex boosted

                        FediMeteo »


                        Aleš Časar »

                        0 ★ 0 ↺

                        FediMeteo »

                        @casar@mastodon.social fixed, thank you. Will be visibile when the instances will refresh those users.

                          6 ★ 4 ↺
                          fedicat boosted

                          FediMeteo »

                          Pixy's Journey »

                          @admin hello there! 😁
                          First of all, thanks for the hard work making all the weather bots!
                          I have a question.
                          Is it possible to add another city in the Netherlands to the list?
                          I'm currently following @s_hertogenbosch but I'm closer to Oss, and I thought that Oss would be just a bit more accurate for my location.
                          No worries if it's not a possibility, and no rush if it can be one... Just really appreciate the bot with the updates! 😁

                            12 ★ 11 ↺
                            fedicat boosted

                            FediMeteo »

                            I've just updated the Fedimeteo code! From the next update, you'll have wind forecasts for the coming hours and also for the upcoming days.
                            Additionally, there have been some underlying changes to prepare for new features... but this one is still under development for now! 😊

                              Buchholz (Niedersachsen) - FediMeteo » 🤖

                              Wetter für Buchholz Saxony 🌧️

                              Aktuelle Temperatur (um 12:11): 4.6°C (Leichter Regen)
                              Windgeschwindigkeit: 4.3 km/h (1.2 m/s)

                              Vorhersage für die kommenden Tage:

                              - Dienstag, 28. Januar: Min 3.2°C, Max 6.2°C (Mäßiger Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 13.0 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 39%
                              - Mittwoch, 29. Januar: Min 1.9°C, Max 5.5°C (Leichte Schauer) 🌧️, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 6%
                              - Donnerstag, 30. Januar: Min 0.7°C, Max 6.3°C (Bewölkt) ☁️
                              - Freitag, 31. Januar: Min -0.2°C, Max 2.7°C (Leichter Schnee) ❄️, Niederschlag 1.5 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 24%
                              - Samstag, 01. Februar: Min -2.8°C, Max 2.0°C (Bewölkt) ☁️, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 5%
                              - Sonntag, 02. Februar: Min -3.3°C, Max 0.0°C (Bewölkt) ☁️, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 5%
                              - Montag, 03. Februar: Min -4.2°C, Max -0.6°C (Leichter Schnee) ❄️, Niederschlag 0.2 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 8%

                              Stundenweise Vorhersage für die nächsten 12 Stunden:

                              - 13:00: 4.4°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 1.8 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 100%
                              - 14:00: 4.2°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 1.1 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 100%
                              - 15:00: 3.9°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 1.0 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 100%
                              - 16:00: 3.7°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 1.3 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 100%
                              - 17:00: 3.4°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 0.1 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 90%
                              - 18:00: 3.6°C (Leichter Regen) 🌧️, Niederschlag 0.3 mm, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 63%
                              - 19:00: 3.4°C (Bewölkt) ☁️, Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit 13%
                              - 20:00: 3.4°C (Bewölkt) ☁️
                              - 21:00: 3.5°C (Bewölkt) ☁️
                              - 22:00: 3.2°C (Bewölkt) ☁️
                              - 23:00: 3.2°C (Teilweise bewölkt) ☁️
                              - 00:00: 3.1°C (Leicht bewölkt) 🌕

                              Daten bereitgestellt von Open-Meteo


                                Jörg B. (해적파티) »

                                @buchholz_saxony@de.fedimeteo.com @admin@fedimeteo.com Which Buchholz in Lower Saxony? There are 3 of them. Buchholz (Aller), “Buchholz in der Nordheide” or Buchholz (near Stadthagen). And “Wetter für Buchholz Saxony” is wrong if it should be “Buchholz (Niedersachsen)” Niedersachsen = "Lower Saxony" not "Saxony"

                                  1 ★ 0 ↺

                                  FediMeteo »

                                  @betazed1971@misskey.de @buchholz_saxony@de.fedimeteo.com going to check and fix it asap. Thank you!

                                    23 ★ 10 ↺

                                    FediMeteo »

                                    I'm working on extending FediMeteo.
                                    There's still some work left to cover all of Europe, but I'm already looking beyond...stay tuned!


                                      AlsoPaisleyCat »

                                      @admin we in Canada have lots of weather.

                                      Climate too.

                                        1 ★ 0 ↺

                                        FediMeteo »

                                        @AlsoPaisleyCat@tenforward.social yes, FediMeteo is coming to Canada, too!

                                          FediThing 🏳️‍🌈 »


                                          Can't wait! 😃

                                          Thank you for all the work you're doing!

                                            1 ★ 0 ↺

                                            FediMeteo »

                                            @FediThing@chinwag.org thank you for spreading the word!

                                              5 ★ 6 ↺
                                              It's Just Me boosted

                                              FediMeteo »

                                              All the FediMeteo instances have been updated to snac 2.69

                                                2 ★ 3 ↺

                                                FediMeteo »


                                                Head·word /ˈhedˌwɜː(ɹ)d/ n. »

                                                @admin @hjorring @hirtshals @skagen

                                                Lovely to see!

                                                Though there is a spelling mistake in ‘Hjøerrng’ – it should be ‘Hjørring’ (the handle @hjorring works just fine).

                                                Some of the other Danish place names are also missing their diacritics. I'd be happy to provide a list, if you'd like 😊


                                                  Head·word /ˈhedˌwɜː(ɹ)d/ n. »

                                                  @admin @hjorring @hirtshals @skagen

                                                  It's not too many, so here's the list:

                                                  Copenhagen – København. The english name is of course very well known, so the handle and the account name can stay as ‘Copenhagen’, but within the Danish text ‘København’ would be more natural.

                                                  Sonderborg – Sønderborg
                                                  Naestved – Næstved
                                                  Norresundby – Nørresundby
                                                  Hillerod – Hillerød
                                                  Koge – Køge

                                                  And I'm confused about @orhus . It might be a doublet of @aarhus (which uses the correct Danish spelling).

                                                    1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                    FediMeteo »

                                                    @headword@lingo.lol Hi, thank you for the hints! I've fixed the names and they will propagate soon. As for Orhus - I'll have a look at it later today.

                                                    CC: @hjorring@dk.fedimeteo.com @hirtshals@dk.fedimeteo.com @skagen@dk.fedimeteo.com @orhus@dk.fedimeteo.com @aarhus@dk.fedimeteo.com

                                                      FediMeteo boosted

                                                      Cohnina »

                                                      Das Wetter im Fediverse erweitert sich ziemlich rasch. Es sind einige neue Länder hinzugekommen und @aarhus existiert jetzt ebenfalls ☁️

                                                      Aktuelle Länder: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom - weitere Infos fedimeteo.com/

                                                        FediMeteo boosted

                                                        FediFollows »

                                                        Weather accounts for 🇲🇹 have been added by the Fediverse forecasting service FediMeteo. Follow a city or town to see its forecasts in your timeline:


                                                        You can find weather accounts for most of Europe at fedimeteo.com

                                                        Weather accounts for other areas coming soon, follow @admin for updates.

                                                          7 ★ 2 ↺
                                                          Aslak Raanes boosted

                                                          FediMeteo »

                                                          17 ★ 6 ↺
                                                          benny boosted

                                                          FediMeteo »

                                                          Great news! This morning we reached the milestone of the first 1000 followers in a single country, and it is... Germany!

                                                          Danke für eure Begeisterung und euer Vertrauen, liebe deutsche Freunde!


                                                            FediFollows »


                                                            FediFollows »


                                                            Papawj »

                                                            @FediFollows i got all excited when i saw United then was bummed when I saw kingdom


                                                              FediFollows »


                                                              The maintainer of FediMeteo has had a lot of people from North America asking when they will get added! 😅

                                                              As far as I know NA is next on the list when Europe is done?


                                                                Papawj »

                                                                @FediFollows thanks for the heads up. I believe Peoria Illinois is a great place to start 😁😆


                                                                  FediFollows »


                                                                  Hey @admin a request for you! 👆

                                                                    4 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                    FediMeteo »

                                                                    @FediFollows@social.growyourown.services Hi! Thanks for the heads-up.
                                                                    Yes, I'm already adapting the code to support the USA. Stay tuned!

                                                                    CC: @Papawj@universeodon.com


                                                                      Papawj »


                                                                      you are all amazing. thank you.

                                                                        5 ★ 2 ↺
                                                                        Chris Bond boosted

                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                        7 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                        Shhhhh »

                                                                        @admin hello. Just stumbled across this. Love this idea. Any plans to include Cairns, North Queensland?

                                                                          1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                          FediMeteo »

                                                                          @watchingthings@mastodon.social Hi, in Australia? Yes, Australia will come, but can't provide an ETA at the moment


                                                                            Shhhhh »

                                                                            @admin That’s great news. Thank you for your speedy response.

                                                                              FediMeteo boosted

                                                                              Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                              This is the FediMeteo VPS's LibreNMS CPU graph.

                                                                              A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by @FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these levels coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                                              The screenshot displays a time-series graph from the FediMeteo VPS (by LibreNMS), tracking activity levels over a 24-hour period. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis shows the CPU level, ranging from 0 to 100. The graph consists of orange bars indicating the intensity of the activity.

A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these peaks coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                                              Alt...The screenshot displays a time-series graph from the FediMeteo VPS (by LibreNMS), tracking activity levels over a 24-hour period. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis shows the CPU level, ranging from 0 to 100. The graph consists of orange bars indicating the intensity of the activity. A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these peaks coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                                                FediMeteo boosted

                                                                                Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                                Some technical details for those interested:
                                                                                The entire FediMeteo setup runs on a FreeBSD VM costing around 4 euros per month. It supports almost all major EU countries (plus the UK), with just a few left to complete. Currently, there are 25 separate jails, each running its own instance of snac, totaling 25 instances. The VM load typically stays around 10%, which increases to 30% when updates are published for countries with larger numbers of cities (currently Germany and Italy). The only time the load spikes is when new countries are announced; during that time, all remote instances connect to all cities to download their details.
                                                                                As for RAM usage, excluding the ZFS cache, it's currently a total of 213 MB. Yes, MB.

                                                                                  matstace »

                                                                                  Hi @admin - can I be cheeky and make a request for an additional city in the UK please? It would fill in a coverage gap (and give me a more local feed) if Peterborough, Cambridgeshire could be added - many thanks in advance :)

                                                                                  0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                  FediMeteo »


                                                                                  matstace »

                                                                                  @admin Amazing, thank you so much 😀

                                                                                  3 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                  FediMeteo »

                                                                                  Update: the city of Peterborough has been added to UK


                                                                                    FediFollows »

                                                                                    3 ★ 2 ↺

                                                                                    FediMeteo »

                                                                                    Juanro »

                                                                                    Hi @admin, can you add Cáceres city to Spain? 😋 es.fedimeteo.com/

                                                                                      4 ★ 2 ↺

                                                                                      FediMeteo »

                                                                                      6 ★ 3 ↺

                                                                                      FediMeteo »

                                                                                      Update: new Country added: Greece


                                                                                      The following cities have been added:

                                                                                      @athens@gr.fedimeteo.com - Athens
                                                                                      @thessaloniki@gr.fedimeteo.com - Thessaloniki
                                                                                      @patras@gr.fedimeteo.com - Patras
                                                                                      @heraklion@gr.fedimeteo.com - Heraklion
                                                                                      @larissa@gr.fedimeteo.com - Larissa
                                                                                      @volos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Volos
                                                                                      @ioannina@gr.fedimeteo.com - Ioannina
                                                                                      @kavala@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kavala
                                                                                      @trikala@gr.fedimeteo.com - Trikala
                                                                                      @chania@gr.fedimeteo.com - Chania
                                                                                      @rhodes@gr.fedimeteo.com - Rhodes
                                                                                      @kalamata@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kalamata
                                                                                      @agrinio@gr.fedimeteo.com - Agrinio
                                                                                      @corfu@gr.fedimeteo.com - Corfu
                                                                                      @serres@gr.fedimeteo.com - Serres
                                                                                      @alexandroupoli@gr.fedimeteo.com - Alexandroupoli
                                                                                      @lamia@gr.fedimeteo.com - Lamia
                                                                                      @veria@gr.fedimeteo.com - Veria
                                                                                      @xanthi@gr.fedimeteo.com - Xanthi
                                                                                      @chalkida@gr.fedimeteo.com - Chalkida
                                                                                      @kozani@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kozani
                                                                                      @komotini@gr.fedimeteo.com - Komotini
                                                                                      @rethymno@gr.fedimeteo.com - Rethymno
                                                                                      @pirgos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Pirgos
                                                                                      @sparti@gr.fedimeteo.com - Sparti
                                                                                      @nafplio@gr.fedimeteo.com - Nafplio
                                                                                      @thiva@gr.fedimeteo.com - Thiva
                                                                                      @edessa@gr.fedimeteo.com - Edessa
                                                                                      @preveza@gr.fedimeteo.com - Preveza
                                                                                      @florina@gr.fedimeteo.com - Florina
                                                                                      @kastoria@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kastoria
                                                                                      @argostoli@gr.fedimeteo.com - Argostoli
                                                                                      @zakynthos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Zakynthos
                                                                                      @syros@gr.fedimeteo.com - Syros
                                                                                      @mykonos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Mykonos
                                                                                      @santorini@gr.fedimeteo.com - Santorini
                                                                                      @paros@gr.fedimeteo.com - Paros
                                                                                      @naxos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Naxos
                                                                                      @kos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kos
                                                                                      @kalymnos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Kalymnos
                                                                                      @skiathos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Skiathos
                                                                                      @skopelos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Skopelos
                                                                                      @andros@gr.fedimeteo.com - Andros
                                                                                      @tinos@gr.fedimeteo.com - Tinos

                                                                                        9 ★ 2 ↺

                                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                                        9 ★ 8 ↺
                                                                                        nix boosted

                                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                                        2 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                                        14 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                                                        Thanks to my wife's collaboration, many of the German, Austrian, Swiss, French, and Spanish cities have now "recovered" the special characters (umlauts, accents, etc.). There's still a lot of work to do, but one step at a time...


                                                                                          Armin Hanisch »


                                                                                          Alt...Seth Meyers Thank You GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

                                                                                            11 ★ 4 ↺

                                                                                            FediMeteo »

                                                                                            From the next update, the wind speed will appear both in km/h and in m/s.

                                                                                              3 ★ 2 ↺

                                                                                              FediMeteo »


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